resources news

Illustration of various abstract digital graphics, graphs, statistics and data visualizations

Database Discovery: Find statistics and data-driven insights with Statista

Where can you find accurate statistics about world lithium reserves or which countries have the most TikTok users? ASU students, staff and faculty can find all sorts of facts and figures to fuel their research with Statista. Statista compiles statistics from a wide range of sources, provides data v...

2022 Research Computing Expo

2022 ASU Research Computing Expo

ASU researchers can now register for ASU Research Computing's two-day in-person expo to prepare students, staff, and faculty for using the ASU supercomputer. The expo aims to inspire and motivate while showcasing the applications of these powerful resources. The event is from August 1st to 2nd, 2022...

Dispatches from the Field - ASU Library Resources and online events

In this series titled “Dispatches from the Field” we highlight stories from members of the Arizona State University (ASU) Library and the Community-Driven Archives (CDA) team regarding a number of activities we here at ASU Library are working on or involved with that is a...