Where can you find accurate statistics about world lithium reserves or which countries have the most TikTok users? ASU students, staff and faculty can find all sorts of facts and figures to fuel their research with Statista.
Statista compiles statistics from a wide range of sources, provides data visualization and offers market insights with an interdisciplinary approach. With an easy-to-use interface, this e-resource offers details on the source as well as options for sharing and citation help.

For example, to learn about lithium production in a particular country, search "Lithium and Zimbabwe" to find a chart on lithium production in Zimbabwe. You can download the data in Excel, PowerPoint, PDF or PNG.
Need to find market research data? Statista offers market research data on a wide range of topics in business, sports, media, entertainment and healthcare. Find reports and information about the global market for sustainable products like reusable water bottles or Formula 1 motorsports consumer insights.
Finally, stay relevant and follow trending topics such as corporate investment in artificial intelligence (AI) or global retail e-commerce.
At ASU, there is interest in topics that combine business and medicine — healthcare management, medical device marketing and more. Statista can search "contract research organizations", also known as CROs. These companies take over part of a research project, such as a clinical trial. Although this is a niche topic, Statista offers valuable charts and data on the top global companies in this sector.
Learn how to use Statista, find webinars and videos to improve your search results.
Even if you don’t have a scholarly project in mind, try looking up information about your favorite sports team, K-pop band or Taylor Swift! Test Statista today and see what you can discover for anything related to statistics and big data.
Questions about Statista or another database?
“Database Discovery” is a series of blog posts highlighting ASU Library databases; learn about unique features, the information contained, and how to use these resources in your research.