Hayden Library news

A group of four people standing around a table looking at pop-up books

Eugene D. Valentine Collection offers the joy and interactivity of pop-up books

Arizona State University’s Eugene D. Valentine Collection is a whimsical and cheery repository of approximately 800 pop-up books, but that doesn’t mean it should be taken lightly. Each book is considered an intricate work of art, with its designers spending untold hours bringing their paper-enginee...

Portrait of Natalie Robles and Ariana Cecelic, 2024 spring LibAid Award recipients

Two library student employees receive awards for exceptional service

ASU Library is thrilled to announce the spring 2024 Tomalee Doan LibAid for Student Success award recipients. Natalie Robles from the Downtown Phoenix campus Library received first place and Ariana Cecelic from Hayden Library received second place.  Every day, ASU Library welcomes thousands of patr...

Black and white archival photo of Martin Luther King Jr. sitting with a group of people on stage

MLK's 1964 speech at ASU subject of new, continuing exhibit

On June 3, 1964, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech at Goodwin Stadium, then the home of Arizona State University’s football team. The speech was titled “Religious Witness for Human Dignity” and was delivered just days before the Civil Rights Act was passed by the U.S. Senate. “The bill must pas...

Illustration of various abstract digital graphics, graphs, statistics and data visualizations

Database Discovery: Find statistics and data-driven insights with Statista

Where can you find accurate statistics about world lithium reserves or which countries have the most TikTok users? ASU students, staff and faculty can find all sorts of facts and figures to fuel their research with Statista. Statista compiles statistics from a wide range of sources, provides data v...

Person walking through hallway looking at art and photographs on the walls

Thunderbird archives: These walls do talk

At most universities, if you want to learn about their history, you must enter a library and dig through an expansive archive. At the Thunderbird School of Global Management on Arizona State University’s Downtown Phoenix campus, a good portion of its history is displayed on its walls. Spread out ov...

A whiteboard covered with colorful positive message post-it notes

Finals week: ASU Library is here to help

The end of the spring semester is here and finals are around the corner. Do you need help with final research papers or a place to study? Here are a few of the extraordinary resources you have access to at the ASU Library that can help you succeed. You've got this, Sun Devils! Ask a Librarian Whe...

Group of people smiling for the camera

Expanded staff, new space helps connect Labriola Center with Native American community

Alexander Soto’s excitement and joy was evident as he showed a visitor the new Labriola National American Indian Data Center space inside Hayden Library on Arizona State University’s Tempe campus. There, said Soto, the center’s director, is the huge wall mural that represents O’odham land recently ...

Codex Nuttall (1902), a facsimile of a Mixtec history, replicates the accordion fold style of the original document, which is painted on deer hide.

Voices from Latin America can be found in dynamic ASU research collection

Rebellious nuns. Punk artists. Ecofeminist criticism through the lens of Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian peoples. These are all voices of a rich, cultural mosaic. And they’re all in one archive at the Arizona State University Library. The Latin Americana Collection is expansive, eclectic and transdi...

Two people smiling for the camera in front of a book shelf display

Humanities Lab transforms in-class research into real-world impact

As fall 2024 humanities labs launch in the new semester, the Arizona State University Library and Humanities Lab commemorate an eight-year partnership in addition to the latest outcome of their collaboration: the unveiling of a new student and librarian-driven featured book collection, titled "Ecofe...