Two library student employees receive awards for exceptional service

Published June 3, 2024

ASU Library is thrilled to announce the spring 2024 Tomalee Doan LibAid for Student Success award recipients. Natalie Robles from the Downtown Phoenix campus Library received first place and Ariana Cecelic from Hayden Library received second place. 

Every day, ASU Library welcomes thousands of patrons into library locations. From answering a wide variety of questions and contributing to the daily operations, students make a huge impact at the library.  

Supporting the Downtown Phoenix campus community

Portrait of Natalie Robles in front of the game section at the Downtown Phoenix campus Library
Natalie Robles, LibAid Award spring 2024 recipient, pictured with the library games, her favorite part of the Downtown Phoenix campus Library.

Natalie Robles is pursuing a bachelor of science degree in Medical Studies at the College of Health Solutions. She began working at the Downtown Phoenix campus (DPC) Library in September 2021 and hopes to graduate in May 2025. Natalie’s excellent customer service and knowledge of student resources at ASU have made her an invaluable member of the team.

“Natalie is a superstar at the DPC library,” said Maja Kleihs, public services coordinator with the DPC Library. “She has also been a huge help on our DPC Library collection shift and study room revitalization projects. Natalie has jumped at the chance to help with every aspect of the shifting project, which has allowed the project to run quickly and smoothly. The staff of DPC library greatly appreciate all Natalie does for the library!"

As one of the longest-serving library student workers downtown, Natalie provides critical customer services at the information desk. 

“I’ve been working at this library for almost three years and each year I realize how important a library is for students,” said Robles. “Working at a library to me means not only supporting students but also connecting with them. There have been countless times when students have come up to me to help ease their anxieties. Whether it’s just advice on a class I took or assistance with finding specific course resources I always feel a sense of pride.” 

Working at the library is not only about how to locate collections but also about helping other students navigate the college experience. 

“I have the opportunity to help students better their education. This means a lot to me because as a first-generation student,” said Robles. “I came into college not knowing what a syllabus was or how to access online books. The ASU Library guided me in the right direction and I hope others feel that. ASU prides itself on inclusive excellence and I get to see and hear about it through everyone that I get to help.”

As Natalie works towards graduation, she dreams of becoming a dentist to help underprivileged communities access high-quality dental care. “My parents are immigrants who have struggled to find great dental insurance which has now impacted them as they age. They inspire me to continue to represent this community and fight for everyone to have a fair chance,” said Robles.

The LibAid Award will support Robles’ educational journey and her efforts in applying to dental schools.

Making Hayden Library feel like a home 

Two students looking at a book while standing in open stacks
Ariana Cecelic (left) in Hayden Library’s Sun Devil Reads collection.

Ariana Cecelic is entering her senior year pursuing a bachelor of science in Informatics with a Digital Culture focus at the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. Working on the Public Services team at Hayden Library for over two years, she brings dedication and creativity to customer service and helps bring awareness to Hayden Library’s collections.  

“Ariana is dependable and hard-working, going above and beyond her daily work tasks,” said Maxana Goettl, Public Services Coordinator at Hayden Library. “She is a valuable member of the Public Services team, providing empathy-driven patron service.”

During the busy semester, Hayden Library often welcomes thousands of patrons into the library throughout the day. “Ariana is dedicated, adaptable, and inquisitive,” added Goettl. “She frequently takes [the] initiative to teach fellow library aides and staff members about library procedures or technical troubleshooting steps for common patron issues.”

For Ariana, working at the information desk fills her with a sense of purpose.

“Aiding others in their education or helping community patrons makes my life feel meaningful and I go home every night feeling fulfilled,” said Cecelic. “I absolutely love interacting with a diverse range of people and helping them achieve their goals for the day. Even if it's as simple as giving directions or helping someone print, I relish these interactions and feel like a core part of ASU.”

Portrait of Ariana Cecelic
Ariana Cecelic, LibAid Award spring 2024 recipient

“Overall, Hayden has become my home and I can't imagine a better place for me to be,” added Cecelic.  

The LibAid Award will support Cecelic’s educational journey and alleviate financial stress as she completes her degree. 

Your gift supports student success

Student employees across all library locations help patrons, teach new skills and build a supportive community for ASU students, faculty, staff and visitors. To help students like Natalie and Ariana, please consider making a donation to the Tomalee Doan LibAid for Student Success fund. You can make a difference for student workers in the ASU Library!

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