asulabriola news

Labriola's Open Mic Poetry Night Sign in Table

Labriola Blog: Fall 2022's Open Mic Poetry Night

Labriola Blog: Fall 2022's Open Mic Poetry Night  Chelsea T. Hicks (Osage) and Yitazba Largo-Anderson (Diné) welcome the audience to Labriola's Open Mic. Although a large part of the student body at Arizona State University Tempe v...

Person sitting at a table looking at photographs and documents with a bookshelf behind

Labriola Blog: Community at Labriola by Lourdes Pereira

Community at Labriola by Lourdes Pereira Trying to express what my experience has been with Labriola in only a few paragraphs is one of the most difficult things someone could request of me. I have worked for the Labriola National American Indian Data Center for about 3 years and I have had the hon...

Rivers and Roads to Redemption

Rivers and Roads to Redemption Review on "Making Our Place: Exploring Land-use Tensions in Aotearoa New Zealand" As I wandered through the books, journals, and graphic novels at the Hayden Labriola Center there was one book that stood out to me, titled “Making Our Place: Exploring Land-use Tension...