Join the ASU Library Research Support Team and the Knowledge Enterprise Research Data Management Office as we celebrate all types of data during Love Data Week 2024 from Feb. 12 to the 16th.
Have you ever felt your data doesn't get the love it deserves?
Have you found data you thought was worth boasting about?
Well then, you are not alone! Let's celebrate your research data all week!

Love Data Week is an international celebration of data during Valentine's Week that gives universities, libraries, researchers, nonprofit organizations, and individuals a chance to learn and participate in data-related activities. Events this year will revolve around the theme of "My Kind of Data," which will be used to highlight equity and inclusions within our data, research communities, and the beyond.
Love Data Week at ASU
At ASU Library, we strive to promote equitable access and use of research data through our Research Support team services and the ASU Research Data Repository so that you can love all kinds of data.
No matter where you are at along the Research Data Lifecycle, whether it is at the beginning stages of research, ready to publish, or need to find reliable data, our Research Support Team can offer expert guidance on data management plans, open access publishing, copyright, and creating reproducible and responsible data.
In addition to expertly curated support, ASU Library manages the ASU Research Data Repository, which provides a platform for ASU-affiliated researchers to publish, preserve, cite, share, and make data accessible. This is the place where your data gets the love it deserves. Your data is our kind of data!
Get involved this week!
A lot is happening during Love Data Week, nationally and right here at ASU. With over 180 events to choose from, make sure to check out events hosted this week from institutions around the globe. Many of these events are open to the public and will be held virtually. You can find more information and a list of events on International Love Data Week 2024 - List of Events.
At ASU, we'll be hosting the Researcher Community Conversation around the theme of "My Kind of Data." Join us for an engaging conversation on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, from noon to 1 p.m. This isn't a lecture but a conversation! The community will be encouraged to share tips and best practices for maintaining a good relationship with your kind of data. This program is part of an ongoing series by ASU Library's Researcher Support to build community connections with our community and inform future programming.