The Map and Geospatial Hub is pleased to welcome Kirk Kirchner to ASU Library. Kirk will take over the role of Geospatial Data Analyst at the Map and Geospatial Hub where he will carry out a variety of duties at the intersection of data management, metadata authorship, web mapping application development and others. Critically, Kirk will support the maintenance and expansion of the two custom software platforms deployed for the management, distribution and curation of geospatial and cartographic assets: (1) ASU GeoData, and (2) the Map and Geospatial Hub 3D Explorer.
Kirk comes to us from the Arizona Game & Fish Department where he had been working for over four years as a GIS Applications Developer. Prior to that, he held GIS positions at engineering and utility companies in Kansas and Wisconsin. Kirk holds a Master of Science degree in GIS and Web Map Programming from the University of Wisconsin, a Graduate Certificate in GIS from Oregon State University and a Bachelor of Science in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology from Colorado State University.

While he does enjoy settling down inside to enjoy a good book, Kirk spends most of his free time outdoors where you can find him hiking, biking, kayaking and camping. Recently he has taken up D&D and enjoys the variety that tabletop games have to offer. Kirk is also an avid birder and will spend hours searching for the next bird on his life list.
Welcome to the team, Kirk!