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Learn about ASU Library career opportunities on April 14

Published March 23, 2023
Updated April 19, 2023

Interested in a librarian position at the ASU Library? Discover career opportunities at an upcoming informational Zoom webinar on April 14, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m. Arizona/MST. 

People gathering around a table talking with a power point presentation on a screen in the background

The ASU Library is recruiting five librarians at the assistant and associate level as part of a dedicated cluster hire cohort within the Engagement and Learning Services directorate. Through this approach, ASU Library will dedicate resources and expertise towards onboarding, peer mentoring and professional development to ensure the cohort's success, building a network to encourage support, growth and retention while simultaneously encouraging the research interests and scholarly pursuits of the individual librarians. ASU Library strongly encourages early-career librarians to apply. These positions include:

This webinar will discuss the open positions and share information about working at ASU Library and ASU and living in the Phoenix area. The webinar is open to anyone interested in learning more about these positions and the ASU Library. Attendance is not required to apply for any open positions and the attendee list will be hidden to ensure confidentiality. The webinar will be recorded and closed captioning will be provided.

Register today.