A red dot (Required) indicates a field is required. Exhibit title Exhibiting organization or artist Required ASU affiliation - Select -UndergraduateGraduate studentFaculty or academic professionalStaffAlumniNon-ASU Required Requested by Required Contact name Contact phone number Required Contact email Required Proposed set up date Required Proposed removal date Requesting use of 2nd floor hanging space 3rd floor hanging space Horizontal case 1 Horizontal case 2 Vertical case 1 Vertical case 2 Vertical case 3 Vertical case 4 Pedestals Easel display Required Short description More exhibit information (optional) Required Images I will be sending digital images and a press release for use on the Library's website to announce the upcoming exhibit. I am not able to include digital images but agree that a Library staff member can photograph artwork, after exhibit has been installed, for use on the Library's website. Notice: Any movement of library furniture must be arranged through the Exhibit Coordinator. Any cost incurred is the responsibility of the sponsor. Required I will be responsible for transporting, installing and dismantling the exhibit and agree to remove it promptly at the end of the exhibit period. I understand that the art should not be exhibited for sales purposes and that Fletcher Library will not assume any responsibility for art exhibited for sales purposes. Required I have read the Fletcher Library Exhibit Procedures and Guidelines and acknowledge by my signature that I accept the Conditions stated therein and will hold Fletcher Library harmless for any condition relative to the exhibit beyond general control. Required Requester signature (or sponsoring organization agent) Submit Leave this field blank