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A screenshot of geospatial data.

Workshop: Mapping Your Future with Geo AI with Joseph Kerski

Arizona State University is pleased to be hosting Dr. Joseph J. Kerski, Education Manager for Esri, for the following 90-minute workshop event: Mapping Your Future with Geo AI Thursday, October 17 2...

3D Explorer Application Wins American Library Association (ALA) Award

The Map and Geospatial Hub is honored to report that it is the recipient of the 2023 Best Emerging Technology Application (BETA) Award of the American Library Association’s Reference and User Services...

An oblique perspective of a three dimensional digital model of the forthcoming Map and Geospatial Hub unit at ASU Library. The model contains various rectangular prisms and other 3D shapes rendered in different colors -- black, white, red, blue, green, and various shades of grey.

The Map and Geospatial Hub is Moving -- Hayden 2020

The time is finally upon us! The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub is moving its physical operations to a specialized new suite in Hayden Library, on ASU’s Tempe campus. The move will begin in early...

Fall 2018 Event Schedule -- Map and Geospatial Hub

The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub is excited to announce the Fall 2018 schedule of events and workshops. This semester we’re offering a range of workshops, a demo of Google Earth VR, a new Creat...

ASU GIS Day 2017 -- Program Now Available

ASU GIS Day 2017 Friday, November 17 8:00am - 5:00pm Map and Geospatial Hub, ASU Library Noble Science Library, Room 380 601 E Tyler Mall Tempe, AZ 85281 Live Stream: