geospatial community news
Workshop: Mapping Your Future with Geo AI with Joseph Kerski
Arizona State University is pleased to be hosting Dr. Joseph J. Kerski, Education Manager for Esri, for the following 90-minute workshop event: Mapping Your Future with Geo AI Thursday, October 17 2...

Map explorer tool recognized at world's largest GIS conference
Looking for a map but can’t make it to the library? Look no further than your PC or smartphone. The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub’s virtual 3D Explorer application opens the doors of the hub to ...

ASU GIS Day 2017 -- Program Now Available
ASU GIS Day 2017 Friday, November 17 8:00am - 5:00pm Map and Geospatial Hub, ASU Library Noble Science Library, Room 380 601 E Tyler Mall Tempe, AZ 85281 Live Stream: