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Student Regents - Arizona Board of Regents (1978 - 2006)

*First voting student regent.

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Student Regents

Regent Date of Appointment
Andrew Federhar 1978-1979
Joel Stiner 1979-1980
Renee M. Marler 1980-1981
Shannan K. Marty 1981-1982
Vada Manager 1982-1983
Kathy Clark 1983-1984
Paul Julien 1984-1985
Nora Ann Colton 1985-1986
Felicia Martinez 1986-1987
Joseph Mikitish 1987-1988
Patrick McWhortor 1988-1989
Peggy Steffens* 1989-1990
Danny Siciliano 1990-1991
Abedon Fimbres 1991-1992
Rhian Evans 1992-1993
Spencer Inolia 1993-1994
David Tung 1994-1995
Mark Davis 1995-1996
Jonathan Schmitt 1996-1997
John Platt 1997-1998
Jennifer Reichelt 1998-1999
Christine Thompson 1999-2000
Mary Echeverria 2000-2001
Myrnia Robinson 2002-2003 (Voting)
Matthew Meaker 2002-2003
Danelle Kelling 2002-2004
Wes McCalley 2003-2005
Benjamin Graff 2005-2006