(Alphabetical Order)

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Accreditation--California (1902)
Accreditation-- North Central (permanent unconditional accreditation) (1933)
Aerial Photograph (1919)
Agriculture Teacher--B.G. Porter (1912-1915)
Agriculture Head--John B. Griffing (1915)
Alma Mater--Music, Mrs. Hazel Quaid; Words, Mrs. Grady Gammage (1937)
Alma Mater-- "Alma Mater", Miles Agustus Dresskell, Ernest Jerome Hopkins (officially adopted, current) (1955)
Alumni Association President--James H. McClintock (1894)
Alumni Association--First Meeting (June 2, 1894)
Alumni Association Magazine (1934)
Archivist--Alfred Thomas Jr. (1972)
Arizona Territorial Normal School (1889-1896)
Art Head--William J. Anderson (1919)
Art Gallery (1950)
Art Teacher--Mary R. Spafford (1892-1893)
Art Collection--Oliver B. James (donor), "The American Collection" (1950)
Associated Students of Arizona State Teachers College (became ASASU) (1930)
Associated Women Students--AWS (1932)
Associated Men Students (1939)
Athletic Conference Membership--Western Athletic Conference (1962-1978)
Athletic Director--Frederick Mortimer Irish (1896-1913)
Auditorium--Original Building (1886)
Bachelor of Arts in Education (1929)
Bachelor of Arts Degree Awarded (1947)
Bachelor of Science Degree Awarded (1947)
Bachelors Degree in Arts & Sciences approved by Board of Regents (1946)
Band Director--Lillian Williams (1915)
Band (1915)
Baseball Game (1891)
Baseball--32 game win streak, then an NCAA record (1972)
Basketball Team (1912)
Black Female Graduate--Stella McHenry (1925)
Black Graduate--Benton James (1924)
Black Athlete--Emerson Harvey (1937)
Black Ph.D. --Jesse Wilmer Jones (1963)
Black Woman Dean--Gladys Styles Johnston, Dean of Education (1986)
Black Students Social Organization--Dunbar Social & Literary Society (1936)
Blome Training School (1905)
Board of Regents--M.O. Best (President), Cleon T. Knapp, Clarence E. Houston, Dr. Florence E. Beck, Mrs. Garfield A. Goodwin, Lynn M. Laney, Jack B. Martin, William W. Stevenson, Mrs. Joseph Madison Greer, W.R. Ellsworth, Sam H. Morris, John M. Scott, Sidney P. Osborn (Governor), E.D. Ring (State Superintendent of Public Instruction) (1945)
Board of Education Meeting--July 15, 1885
Board of Education--Charles T. Hayden (President), Joseph Campbell (Secretary), T.J. Butler (Treasurer), A.C. Baker, R.L. Long. (1885)
Boarding Club--Alpha Boarding Club (1898)
Book Store--Anthropology Building affiliated with YWCA (1927)
Bookkeeping Teacher--Mary R. Spafford (1892-1893)
Books--Encyclopedia and $200.00 of other books (March 12, 1891)
Booster Club (1928)
Botany Professor--Martin Mortensen (1938-1939)
Bowl Game--Sun Bowl, January 1, 1940, played against Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Score: ASTC 0 Catholic University 0 (1940)
Boy Scouts (1924)
Building (Permanent)--Old Main Dedicated, February 4, 1898
Building--Original Building or "Normal School Building" (1886)
Buildings--Frankenberg House (Architecture Annex) entered into National Register of Historic Places (1981)
Buildings--Most extensive building program in ASU's history, $100 million, 1986-1989
Bus Service to Tempe (1934)
Business Administration Department--Emil J. Hilkert (1948-1949)
Cadet Corp--Founding (1890-1891)
Campaign for ASU--major national fund-raising campaign--$100 million (1985-1988)
Campus King--Adolph Kauzlarich (1929)
Campus Queen--Harriet Goodrich (1923)
Catalog (1887)
Centennial--100 Years of Excellence (1885-1985) (1985)
Child Development Lab--Esther Brewer (1940-1941)
Civics Teacher--William J. Anderson (1900)
Class President--Miss Mamie Anderson (1893)
Class Secretary--Miss Mary Wingar (1893)
Class Historian--Miss Agnes Halbert (1893)
Coach--Fred C. Ayer (Baseball) (1906)
Coach--Frederick Mortimer Irish (1897-1906)
Coach--G.W. Henry (basketball) (1913)
College of Law--Willard H. Pedrick, Founding Dean (College est. 1964; Dean appt. Aug. 1965)
College of Fine Arts--Henry A. Bruinsma, Founding Dean (1963)
College of Education--Guy D. McGrath, Founding Dean (1955)
College of Business Administration--Emil J. Hilkert, Founding Dean (1955)
College of Liberal Arts--Arnold Tilden, Founding Dean (1955)
College of Arts & Science (1953)
College of Engineering--Lee P. Thompson, Founding Dean (1963)
College of Architecture--James W. Elmore, Founding Dean (1964)
College of Public Programs--Nicholas Henry, Founding Dean (1979)
College Bookstore--(1930-1931)
College of Nursing--Loretta Bardewyck (1964)
Colors--Maroon, Old Gold and White (1910)
Commencement (1887)
Cosmopolitan Club--Interracial Friendship Club (1936)
Dean of Students--Weldon P. Shofstall (1950-1951)
Dean of Instruction--Harold Davis Richardson (1946-1947)
Dean of College--John Robert Murdock (1934-1935)
Dean of Women--Esther Dayman and Frances E. Kallstedt (1931-1932)
Dean of Men--Aaron Monroe McCreary (1926-1927)
Debating Club--Athenian Debating Society (men only) (1902)
Degree Awarded--Bachelor of Education, John Barry, Jr. (1927)
Degree Approved--Bachelor of Education (1925)
Diamond Jubilee (1960)
Dining Hall Heads--Robert and Martha Krause (1917)
Dining Hall (1905)
Doctor of Philosophy Degree, received in hand--Montrose Madison Wolf (1963)
Doctor of Education Degree--Stanley Poe (1954)
Doctor of Philosophy Degree, Woman recipient--Virginia Maresca (1963)
Dormitory (Off Campus)--Farmer Home (1886)
Dormitory--Alpha Hall (on-campus) (1902)
Downtown Center, portion of Phoenix Union High School (1986)
Drama Society--Thespians (all women) (1908)
Dramatics Teacher--Barbara Lee Reavis (1929)
Earth Science Teacher--Fred W. Hiatt (1916-1917)
Economics Teacher--Arthur John Matthews (1901-1902)
Education Specialist Degree (1954)
Elevator--Engineering A-Wing (1955)
English Head--James Lee Felton (1913-1914)
Ethnic Club--Los Conquistadores (1937)
Faculty member with Ph.D.--George Monroe Bateman (Cornell, 1927)
Faculty Club (1948)
Faculty Representative for Athletics--William D. Taylor (1931-1935)
Faculty Constitution Approved by Board of Regents (1949)
Faculty Grievance Procedure Instituted (1958)
Fencing, Ornamental Iron (1928)
Field Lab or Farm--Established (1915)
Fiesta Bowl--December 27, 1971, played against Florida State in Tempe, Arizona. Score: ASU 45 Florida State 38 (1971)
Financial Aid to Students--Civil Works Adminsitration (1934)
Football Win Against U of A--(32 years before next win in 1931)
Football Game--March 1897--Normals 20, Phoenix Indians 38 (1897)
Football Team--The Normals (1896)
Football Star--Charles Haigler (1899)
Football, Professional exhibition game in Sun Devil Stadium, Aug. 9 (Vikings vs Jets) (1975)
Foreign Language Teacher--Frances B. Abell (1895)
Foreign Language Head--Fernand Cattelain (1930)-(1931)
Foreign Student Club (1956)
Fountain (Old Main)--Designed by Emory Kopta (1933)
Fraternity House--Lambda Phi Sigma--Normal Ave. (1932)
Fraternity--Lambda Phi Sigma (1924)
Fulbright-Hayes Scholarship--Carmen Ruthing (1962-1963)
Future Teachers of America (1941)
Geography Teacher--Augusta Hildebrant (1892-1893)
Glee Club (1926)
Golden Jubilee (1935)
Graduate Assistant--Alfred Thomas Jr. (1940)
Graduate College--Irving Stout, Founding Dean (1958)
Graduating Class--Georgia Holmesley, Gertrude Pomeroy, Etta Broomell, Reese M. Ling, James H. McClintock (1887)
Graduation Requirements--at least 18 years old. Attended the school for 22 weeks and passed creditable examination in all studies of the required course. (1887)
Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium--David B. Scoular, First Director (1964)
Gymnasium-Gymnasium and Auditorium (1909)
Grandchild Graduate of a Normal Graduate--Dorris Robertson (class of 1888, Grandfather, Henry Q. Robertson) (1911)
Harvard Medal--Harriet Gaddis (award given by the Harvard Club of Arizona for Senior Essay on Arizona subject) (1906)
Health Center/Infirmary (1919)
Health Services Director--Mary Elaine McFarland (1945)
History Teacher--Edgar L. Storment (1890-1891)
Home Management and Nursery School (1939)
Home Economics Head--Agnes E. Filler (1932-1933)
Home Economics Teacher--Lillias D. Francis (1909)
Homecoming Parade (1926)
Homecoming King--Ronald Harwood (1935)
Homecoming Queen--Frances Howell (1934)
Homecoming--December 4, 1926 Score: TSTC 0 Phoenix Indian School 0 (1926)
Honorary Dr. of Science Degree--Arthur Ervin Smith (1955)
Honorary Dr. of Literature Degree--Abraham Lincoln Krohn (1955)
Honorary Dr. of Laws Degree--Charles Stauffer (1951)
Honorary Degree--Frederick Mortimer Irish and Arthur John Matthews (1940)
Honors Program Graduate--Ina Abrahams (1961)
Horse (Mounted Police Program)--"Chico" (1984)
Industrial Education Director--Alva B. Clark (1927/28)
Industrial Arts Teacher--William J. Anderson (1900-1901)
Interfraternity Council (1932)
International Relations Club (1932)
Journalism Teacher--William D. Taylor (1932-1933)
KAET begins valley educational television (1961)
Land Acquisition--Original 20 acres from George W. and Martha Wilson, May 5, 1885
Language Club--Hispanico Club (Spanish Club) (1916)
Language Club--Deutsher Verein (German Club) (1914)
Lantern Walk (1917)
Law Class (1967)
Letter on the Butte-- "T" (Tempe State Teachers College) (1926)
Letter on the Butte-- "N" (Normal, 1918-1926)
Letter on the Butte-- "A" (Arizona State Teachers College) (1938)
Letterman's Club-- (all male) (1923)
Librarian--Winifred Peters (1903)
Library (separate building)--Matthews Library (1930)
Library--Old Main (1898)
Literary Societies--Mandatory affiliations, Alpha, Olympian, Philomathian (1900)
Literary Society--Zetetic (1893-1894)
Logo--Sun Devil (1946)
Logo--The Tempe Normals (1885-1922)
Logo/Mascot--Bulldogs (1922)
MacArthur Fellowship--Michael Malin, Geology, $250,000 Award (1987)
Mall--Cady Mall (1968)
Marketing Teacher--Austin Bratcher (1949-1950)
Married Student--Ida Swiggett (1896)
Mascot--Sun Devil (1946)
Master of Science Degree granted--James Barton Baker Jr. (1958)
Master of Arts Degree granted--Ralph Terry Bryan (1958)
Master of Arts in Education (granted)--Gerald Harrison (1938)
Master of Arts in Education (approved) (1937)
Math Teacher--Dayton Alonzo Reed (1890)
Math Head--Charles Wexler (1930-1931)
Matron of Dormitory--Jeanneta Zimmerman (1902)
McDonald's Franchise, Memorial Union (1987)
Memorial Union--Cecelia Scoular, First director (1956)
Military Science--(ROTC) Unit (1935)
Miss America--Jacque Mercer Curran (1949)
Miss Sahuaro Flower--Zella Hoenshell (1928)
Mister America--Bert Goodrich (1939)
Moeur Pin--Anna McDonough (1915)
Moeur Award--Marcia Carter (1908)
Music Teacher--Ella F. Taylor (1895-1896)
Music Head--Esther R. Sather (1931)
Name Change--Arizona State University (1958)
Name Change--Tempe State Teachers College (March 7, 1925-1928)
Name Change--Arizona State College at Tempe (1945-1958)
Name Change--Normal School of Arizona (1895-1903)
Name Change--Tempe Normal School of Arizona (1903-1925)
Name Change--Arizona State Teachers College at Tempe (1928-1945)
Name--Territorial Normal School at Tempe (March 12, 1885-1889)
National Sorority--Gamma Phi Beta (1949)
National Fraternity--Delta Sigma Phi (1948)
National Chapter Education Honorary Fraternity--Kappa Delta Pi (1930)
Newspaper Editors--Leslie Everman and Josephine Frankenburg (1890)
Newspaper--The Normal Echo (in Tempe Daily News 1890-1891)
Off-Campus Organization--The Town Girls Club (1925)
Opening Day--February 8, 1886
Pac-10 Athletic Conference Membership (1978)
Panhellenic Council (1938)
Papal visit--Pope John Paul II (1987)
Parents Day (1935)
Parking Fees--$1.00 per month, for use of pasture (1895)
Parking gargage, Apache & College (1986)
Payne Training School (1928)
Peach Bowl--December 30, 1970, played against University of North Carolina in Atlanta. Score: ASU 48 UNC 26 (1970)
Pep Squad--Football (1939)
Philomathian Bench (1929)
Physical Education Director--Aaron Monroe McCreary (1926-1927)
Play--Class Play, "Celebration of the coming of age of nine-te-nine Prince of the Royal household of Hoop-A-La-Hoo, of the Dynasty of Rah-Rah-Rah" (1899)
President (as title)--Arthur John Matthews (1900-1933)
President Emeritus--Arthur John Matthews (1930)
President's Home (1907)
Principal and Instructor--Hiram Bradford Farmer (1886-1888)
Prom Queen--Jr/Sr. Prom, Lenore Eckart (1934)
Psychology Teacher--James McNaughton (1895-1896)
Pulitzer Prize--Rita Dove for poetry (1987)
Registrar-- Frederick Mortimer Irish (1925)
Religious Organization--YWCA, YMCA (1915)
Research Park, construction completed on two buildings (1986)
Rhodes Scholarship--Michael Skolnik (1964)
Rose Bowl Appearance and Victory--January 1, ASU 22, Michigan 15 (1987)
Salad Bowl--January 2, 1950, played against Xavier of Cincinnati in Phoenix. Score: ASC 21 Xavier 33 (1950)
Sun Bowl--January 1, 1940, played against Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Score: ASTC 0 Catholic University 0 (1940)
School of Social Work--Horace W. Lundber, Founding Dean (1961)
School Song--Ruth Miles (1926)
School of Nursing--Loretta A. Bardewyck, Founding Dean (1957)
Science Department Head--George Monroe Bateman (1930/31)
Social Club--Wallflower Club (1915)
Sorority--Pierian Society (off-campus) (1934)
Sorority--Kalakagathia (currently Chi Omega) (1911)
Sphinx Club--For married women living on campus (1927)
Stadium lighting installed at Irish Field (1930)
Stadium (Baseball)--Packard (1974)
Stadium--Goodwin (1936-58)
Stadium-- Irish Field (1927-1935)
Stadium--Normal Field (1896)
Stadium--Sun Devil Stadim (1958)
Student Veterans--Aristavets (1945)
Student to Receive Scholarship--Irene E. Weir Brooks, alumna 1912, died 1985
Student Government--Tempe Normal Student Association (1910)
Students--(33): J.W. Akers, Benjamin Clay, Laura Clay, L.D. Collett, L.C. Corbell, David Crapo, Addi Crismon, Kate Cummings, Lily M. Gregg, Lydia A. (Nettie) Halbert, Kate Hardwick, Louisa Harper, Fannie Hawley, Mamie Hawley, Georgia Holmesley, Lucretia Jones, Cassie (Cassandra) Johnson, James F. Johnson, Lionel B. Johnson, May Johnson, Benjamin J. Lebaron, Reese M. Ling, James H. McClintock, Julia A. McDonald, James M. Patterson, Gertrude Pomeroy, Henry Pomeroy, Amelia Rogers, Annie Rumberg, Ellen Sears, Martha Sears, Albert Wingar (1886)
Summer Session (1932)
Sun Angel Foundation (1946)
Thesis--Rowlands, Catherine B. "The use of syllable in teaching musical notation with special reference to the elementary schools of Arizona" (1938)
Training School Principal--Martha Graham Hood (1896)
Training School (Original Building 1896-1905)
Tuition Fees--Free to those who intend to teach in public schools of the territory; also to those nominated by members of the legislature; others are charged $4.00 per month (1886)
United States President Visiting Campus--President Theodore Roosevelt, March 20, 1911
West Valley campus ground breaking (1986)
Woman Student Body President--Nancy Frew (1943)
Women Faculty--Augusta Hildebrant and Mary R. Spafford (1892)
Women's Sport--Basketball (1898)
Women's Athletic Scholarship--Jean Vaughan, Golf (1949)
Women's Athletics Association--WAA (1931)
Women's Affairs Board within Residence Halls (1931)
Yearbook--El Pecadillo (1904 Zetetic Editor, John Oscar Mullen) (1911)