Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Photo of blue cells with red nucleus

Evolutionary Cell Biology

The Origins of Cellular Architecture

Michael Lynch

Golden colored background with black font title

Private Equity and the Demise of the Local

The Loss of Community Economic Power and Autonomy

Maryann Feldman

Illustration of human silhouettes in different colors

EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development

Voices from Under-Represented Contexts

Edited by Tanita Saenkhum

Tea cup on a red fabric background filled with bingo balls

Return of the Chinese Femme

Dorothy Chan

Two men playing roles on stage in a Shakespeare play

The Ethical Implications of Shakespeare in Performance and Appropriation

Edited by Geoffrey Way

Science fiction inspired image of an Indigenous woman

Indigenous Voices in Digital Spaces

Cindy Tekobbe

Illustration of people working around life size laptop, notebook and books

Teaching Literacy Online

Engaging, Analyzing, and Producing in Multiple Media

Rochelle Rodrigo

Black background with neon color shapes

Shakespeare / Skin

Contemporary Readings in Skin Studies and Theoretical Discourse

Edited by Ruben Espinosa

Image of author when she was a child in Jamaica

How to Say Babylon

A Memoir (U.K. Paperback)

Safiya Sinclair

Illustration of witch trials on a yellow background

Heresy in the Middle Ages

A History of Authority and Exclusion

Andrea Janelle Dickens