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Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Image of American film director Su Friedrich

Su Friedrich


Edited by Jed Samer

Close up image of hands touching skin

Lesbian Potentiality and Feminist Media in the 1970s

Jed Samer

Black background with googly eyes covering the page


Shifting Theories of Gender, Sexuality, and Media

Edited by Jed Samer

Black and white photo of large sailing ship

Captain Singleton

By Daniel Defoe

Edited by Manushag N. Powell

Eighteenth century woman grabbing a book by candlelight

Women's Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1690-1820s

The Long Eighteenth Century

Edited by Manushag N. Powell

Illustration of English man sleeping in a library

Performing Authorship in Eighteenth-Century English Periodicals

Manushag N. Powell

Vintage illustration of pirate

British Pirates in Print and Performance

Manushag N. Powell

Grecian inspired image of a man and woman near a water well

Moral Enterprise

Literature and Education in Antebellum America

Derek Pacheco

Vintage map of Scandinavian countries

Old English Studies and its Scandinavian Practitioners

Nationalism, Aesthetics, and Spirituality in the Nordic Countries, 1733-2023

Robert Bjork

Water reflection of two people standing in bright pink and purple colors

Bones Worth Breaking

A Memoir

David Martinez