Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Image of author as a young boy standing on a sand dune

3,001 Arabian Days: A Memoir

Growing up in an American oil camp in Saudi Arabia (1953-1962)

Rick Snedeker

Image of Statue of Liberty

How Christianity Smothered the True American Dream

Rick Snedeker

Three separate images of mountains, city and ocean landscapes

Handbook of Statistical Analysis

AI and ML Applications

Edited by Robert A. Nisbet

Black and white image of a desert mountain range

Nostalgias of November

Nostalgias de Noviembre

Arturo Magaña Amaya

Images of author who is a Jamaican woman

How to Say Babylon


Safiya Sinclair

Illustration of raven flying in a blue sky

Where We Belong

Madeline Sayet

Photo of Arabian horse galloping

A Short Tail

The Adventures of Sirius, The Arabian

Linda Carpenter

Image of author who is a Native American woman with brown, curly hair

The Thanksgiving Play

What Would Crazy Horse Do?

Larissa FastHorse

Blue background with title

The Thanksgiving Play

Larissa FastHorse

Illustration of city silhouette in sunset

Summer's Blood

The Neon Diaries Book 1

Adele Royce