Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Photo of pink heels laying on carpet

Camera Ready

Adele Royce

Hanging male suits in a closet

For Position Only

Adele Royce

Spilled white wine on a purple tablecloth

Princess Smile

Adele Royce

Book title in dark red with a field backgound

Cherokee Family Reunion

Inspired by the memoirs of Henry S. Timberlake

Larissa FastHorse

Photo of men and women dancing

Teaching Disco Square Dancing to Our Elders

A Class Presentation

Larissa FastHorse

English inspired painting of women

Inventing Womanhood

Gender and Language in Later Middle English Writing

Tara Williams

16th century inspired illustration of bird

Middle English Marvels

Magic, Spectacle, and Morality in the Fourteenth Century

Tara Williams

An illustration of a detective with multicolored face on an orange background


A Novella

James Palazzo

Black background with an illustrated blue, sparkly tree with green vines

Witch of Ware Woods

Sonja F. Blanco

Brown illustration of New York City with the Statue of Liberty in color

Manhattan: The Rising War

Sal Cosenza