
German translation of "Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman" book cover

Stein: Ökologie des Nichthumanen

German translation of "Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman"

Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Green green green book cover

Green Green Green

Gillian Osborne

Citizenship and Civic Leadership in America book cover

Citizenship and Civic Leadership in America

Political Theory for Today

Edited by Trevor Shelley and Carol McNamara

Images of author from the military and present day

Beyond the Cottonwood Trees

The Adventure Continues

Herb Bryce

Me and the Cottonwood Tree book cover

Me and the Cottonwood Tree

An Untethered Boyhood

Herb Bryce

Second Language Writing History, Identity, Pedagogy and Professional Development text

Second Language Writing

History, Identity, Pedagogy and Professional Development

Paul Kei Matsuda

Pastel colored images of historical sisters

Sister Novelists

The Trailblazing Porter Sisters, Who Paved the Way for Austen and the Brontës

Devoney Looser

Colorful image of female silhouette with a black background

Living a More Thoughtful Life

Thinkable Thoughts and Relevant Reflections

Ervin Cobb and Charlotte D. Grant-Cobb

Sunlit porch with open door in the background

Unwanted Fraternity

An Authentic Journey Toward True Healing After Loss

Greg Tonkinson

Painting of older woman

Money and Magic in Early Modern Drama

Arden Studies in Early Modern Drama

Edited by David Hawkes