Veliki srpsko-engleski rečnik
This dictionary is intended primarily for the users at ILR level 3 and higher. It comprises 99173 main entries, 21579 related entries, and 35872 idioms on its Serbian-English side as well as 98023 main entries, 11395 related entries, and 33541 idioms on its English-Serbian side.
The treatment of the entries and their presentation was subordinated to the needs of the users at ILR level 3 and higher. Only those senses which are needed at that level were included and all multiple L2 equivalents were differentiated using short notes in L1.
The equivalents are each numbered for easier lookup/reference. The most frequent functional words are equipped with examples and their translation, idioms are listed under all their semantic parts and they are separated in the presentation, again to facilitate lookup. The dictionary contains elaborate grammatical information, and it points out to the contrastive differences and false cognates.
Danko Šipka is a faculty member with the School of International Letters and Cultures.