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Joan Darc co-translated by Cynthia Hogue

Joan Darc

Nathalie Quintane

Translated by Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue

Srpski gramatički rečnik (Serbian grammatical dictionary), Novi Sad: Prometej

Danko Šipka

Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching

A Practical Guide For The Classroom

Guadalupe Valdés and Ana Roca

Edited by Sara M. Beaudrie and Marta Fairclough

Linguistic Geography

Danko Šipka

Lexical Conflict

Theory and Practice

Danko Šipka

Od naših Rusa do komšijine krave, Novi Sad: Prometej

Danko Šipka

Slogovni Glosar 4

Danko Šipka

Let's Speak Vietnamese

An Introduction to Contemporary Vietnamese

Nguyên Bich Thuân and Lê Pham Thuy-Kim

Contemporary Serbian-English Dictionary

Danko Šipka

Veliki srpsko-engleski rečnik

Danko Šipka