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The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Cover for the edited volume "Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures," depicting the inside of a futuristic space station.

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities

A Collection of Space Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn

Joan Darc co-translated by Cynthia Hogue

Joan Darc

Nathalie Quintane

Translated by Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue

The Basic Approach to Age-Structured Population Dynamics

Models, Methods and Numerics

M. Iannelli and F.A. Milner

New Directions cover

New Directions

Assessment and Preparation of Hispanic College Students

Edited by Richard J. Tannenbaum, Laura I. Rendón, Gary Francisco Keller, Estela Mara Bensimón, Alfredo G. de los Santos Jr. and Alberto Acereda

The Ark and Beyond

The Ark and Beyond

The Evolution of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation

Edited by Ben A. Minteer

Primer on Learning and Conditioning

A Quantitative Approach

Federico Sanabria

Volery and Venery in the French Wars of Religion

Deborah N. Losse

An Early History of Compassion

Emotion and Imagination in Hellenistic Judaism

Françoise Mirguet

Il pensiero della poesia

Da Leopardi ai contemporanei. Letture dal mondo di poeti italiani (Studi e saggi)

Enrico Minardi and Cristina Caracchini

Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature

Literary & Cultural Essays

Francisco A. Lomelí

Edited by Vanessa Fonseca and Jesús Rosales