
Cover of A Gossip's Story by Devoney Looser

A Gossip's Story, and A Legendary Tale (1796) Jane West

Edited by Melinda O'Connell, Devoney Looser and Caitlin Kelly

Cover of Mishap Mansion by Allison Beckhert and Jennifer Bigelow

Mishap Mansion

Jennifer Bigelow and Allison Beckert

Cover of Korean translation of From Sand Creek by Simon Ortiz

From Sand Creek

Korean translation

Simon J. Ortiz

Translated by Seong-Hoon Kim

Cover of John Green by Deakin, Brown, and Blasingame

John Green

Teen Whisperer

Laura A. Brown, Kathleen Deakin and James Blasingame Jr.

Cover of Proceedings of the Fortieth Western Conference on Linguistics.

Proceedings of the Fortieth Western Conference on Linguistics

Volume Twenty-two WECOL 2013

Edited by Verónica González López, Kathryn Pruitt, Claire Renaud and Carla Ghanem

Cover of Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain, 1750-1850

Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain


Devoney Looser

Cover of British Women Writers and the Writing of History 1670-1820

British Women Writers and the Writing of History


Devoney Looser

Cover of The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period

The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period

Devoney Looser

Cover of Generations: Academic Feminists In Dialogue


Academic Feminists In Dialogue

Edited by E. Ann Kaplan and Devoney Looser

Cover of Jane Austen and Discourses of Feminism

Jane Austen and Discourses of Feminism

Edited by Devoney Looser