Education and teaching

Cover of "The A-to-Z of CERN"

The A-to-Z of CERN

Universe Unlocked

Robin Koshy Mathews and Ben Richards

Transforming Print

Transforming Print

Collection Development and the Management of Our Connected FutureTran

Edited by Lorrie McAllister and Shari Laster

Teaching Difficult Histories in Difficult Times book cover

Teaching Difficult Histories in Difficult Times

Stories of Practice

Edited by Lauren McArthur Harris

Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education book cover

Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education

Cases of Learning and Leading

Edited by Laura Turchi

Second Language Writing History, Identity, Pedagogy and Professional Development text

Second Language Writing

History, Identity, Pedagogy and Professional Development

Paul Kei Matsuda

Color blocks with text about media genres

Next Generation Genres

Teaching Writing for Civic and Academic Engagement

Jessica Singer Early

Chaucer on cover with the four volumes

The Chaucer Encyclopedia

Volumes 1-4

Edited by Richard Newhauser

Image of white male holding a gun from behind

School Gun Violence in YA Literature

Representing Environments, Motives, and Impacts

Laura A. Brown

Watercolor artwork of three fish

The Future of Sustainability Education at North American Universities

Christopher Boone

Latinx actor in a white dress on stage

Latinx Actor Training

Edited by Micha Espinosa