Teaching Literacy Online

Engaging, Analyzing, and Producing in Multiple Media

Recipient of the 2025 Divergent Award for Excellence in Literacy in a Digital Age Research Publication

"Teaching Literacy Online" is a practical guide for secondary and college teachers of English in digital and online environments. Like other, practical, “how to teach online” books, TLO includes an overview of good practices and guidelines for teaching in digital environments. However, it goes further, by providing detailed suggestions and examples to model good digital teaching practices. You’ll learn how to apply the online teaching guidelines through: digital organization; engagement with materials; analysis and synthesis of information; and the production of texts in a multitude of media and modalities.

By focusing on the engagement, analysis, and production of texts, TLO positions literacy pedagogy as the driving force when making decisions about how to teach online and/or with different digital applications.


Rochelle Rodrigo holds a Master of Arts in Humanities (2001), a Master of Arts in English (2004) and a PhD (2009) in English from Arizona State University.

Illustration of people working around life size laptop, notebook and books
Date published
National Council of Teachers of English

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