Great Journeys across the Pamir Mountains

A Festschrift in Honor of Zhang Guangda on his Eighty-fifth Birthday

Edited by Xinjiang Rong and Huaiyu Chen

Drawing upon numerous manuscripts from China and Central Asia, the articles presented in this volume by leading scholars in the field examine a broad range of topics on the multilingual, multireligious and multi-ethnic communities along the Silk Road in the medieval period, and cover such topics as the social history of Kucha, book history in Dunhuang, the spread of Manichaeism, the political history of Turkic and Khotanese kingdoms and the travelogue of the Buddhist pilgrim Xuanzang. They demonstrate that Han Chinese, Khotanese, Sogdians, Tocharians, Tibetans and Uyghurs have all contributed to constructing a sophisticated international network across Asia.


Huaiyu Chen is an associate professor of religious studies at the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Arizona State University.

Date published
Brill Academic Publisher

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