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The book cover for What Algorithms Want, showing a distorted image of a city skyline in black and white.

What Algorithms Want

Imagination in the Age of Computing

Ed Finn

Joan Darc co-translated by Cynthia Hogue

Joan Darc

Nathalie Quintane

Translated by Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue

Good Bandits, Warrior Women, and Revolutionaries in Hispanic Culture

Edited by Gary Francisco Keller

Volery and Venery in the French Wars of Religion

Deborah N. Losse

An Early History of Compassion

Emotion and Imagination in Hellenistic Judaism

Françoise Mirguet

Gonglijuyi yuga: Juhi e daehan Jinlyang eu Dojeon

Translation into Korean of Professor Hoyt Tillman's book "Utilitarian Confucianism: Chen Liang’s Challenge to Chu Hsi"

Hoyt Tillman and Chen Liang

Translated by LIM Myung-hee and Kim byoung- hwon

Los cigarrales de la privanza y mecenazgo en Tirso de Molina

Juan Pablo Gil-Osle

Cinco Meses en la Argentina

Desde el Punto de Vista de Una Mujer

Katherine S. Dreier and Cynthia Tompkins

Translated by Maria Gabriela Mizraje

La Mujer Que Quiso Ser Amada por Dios

Sor Juana Inés en la Cruz de la Crítica

Emil Volek

Syphilis: Medicine, Metaphor, and Religious Conflict in Early Modern France


Medicine, Metaphor, and Religious Conflict in Early Modern France

Deborah N. Losse