
Cover of the book "Welcome to Aiken's Corner ...and other STEAM stories," by Murt Gibson.

Welcome to Aiken's Corner

...and other STEAM stories.

Murt Gibson

Cover of "The A-to-Z of CERN"

The A-to-Z of CERN

Universe Unlocked

Robin Koshy Mathews and Ben Richards

Strategies in Biomedical Data Science book cover

Strategies in Biomedical Data Science

Driving Force for Innovation

Jay A. Etchings

Color blocks with text about media genres

Next Generation Genres

Teaching Writing for Civic and Academic Engagement

Jessica Singer Early

Image of pixelated face under the title of book

Reproduction Reborn: How Science, Ethics, and Law Shape Mitochondrial Replacement Therapies

Diana Bowman

Book title in different shades of blue and green across the entirety of cover

Composing Place

Digital Rhetorics for a Mobile World

Jacob Greene

Young girl in a power stance in front of a bull

Working through Surveillance and Technical Communication

Concepts and Connections

Sarah Young

Book title over brown and tan pattern

Digital Forensics Laboratory Leadership & Management

Dr. Frank Kardasz, MPA, Ed.D.

Image of a curly haired person working with iPhone on a tripod

The Price of Fame

Privacy Risks in the Digital Era of Image Sharing

Dr. Frank Kardasz, MPA, Ed.D.

Cover of "Artificial Intelligence in Science"

Artificial Intelligence in Science

Challenges, Opportunities and The Future or Research

Katina Michael