Principles and Practices of Teaching English as an International Language
Edited by Aya Matsuda
This book critically examines current English language teaching (ELT) practices vis-à-vis the use of English as an international lingua franca. It bridges the gap between theoretical discussion and the practical concerns of teaching English as an international language (EIL), and presents diverse approaches for preparing competent users of English in international contexts. Part 1 examines how the linguistic and functional varieties of English today complicate ELT, and suggests ways to address them effectively in an English language classroom. Part 2 showcases English courses and programs that are specifically based on the EIL perspective, illustrating how the issues addressed in Part 1 are realized in a real context. This section also presents a collection of EIL pedagogical ideas that have been developed and used successfully by English teachers across the world.
Aya Matsuda is an associate professor in the Department of English at Arizona State University.
Praise for this book
This volume offers chapters by an impressive array of geographically diverse authors, who truly explain the principles and practices of teaching English as an international language. Each chapter provides a substantial reference list and presents solid information that teachers and program administrators can actually use in developing courses, materials and lesson plans.
Kathleen M. Bailey Monterey Institute of International Studies