
Book cover with sepia image of students in the library of what because ASU

Arizona State University

The Campus History Series

Stephanie R. DeLuse and Denise E. Bates

hardcover book: The War for Gaul

The War for Gaul

A New Translation

Translated by Jim O'Donnell

Cover of A History of Irish Modernism edited by Gregory Castle and Patrick Bixby

A History of Irish Modernism

Edited by Patrick Bixby and Gregory Castle

Cover of Lynching by Ersula Ore


Violence, Rhetoric, and American Identity

Ersula J. Ore

Cover of My Life with Charles Billups and Martin Luther King by Rene Billups Baker and Keith Miller

My Life with Charles Billups and Martin Luther King

Trauma and the Civil Rights Movement

Rene Billups Baker and Keith Miller

Book features Don Barclay's caricatures

Don Barclay’s Caricatures

Joe Kullman

"Heirs to the Legacy"

Heirs To The Legacy

A Generational Memoir

Steve Warford

Cover of Catastrophes and the Apocalyptic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance edited by Robert Bjork

Catastrophes and the Apocalyptic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Edited by Robert E. Bjork

Cover of The Vexations by Caitlin Horrocks

The Vexations

A Novel

Caitlin Horrocks

Cover of Call Him Mac by Gary L. Stuart

Call Him Mac

Ernest W. McFarland, the Arizona Years

Gary L. Stuart