Archaeology and anthropology

Decoding Prehistoric Ceramics
Edited by Ben Nelson

The Star Lake Archaeological Project
Anthropology of a Headwaters Area of Chaco Wash, New Mexico
Edited by Walter Wait and Ben Nelson

Archaeology in America
An Encyclopedia (Four Volumes)
Edited by Linda Cordell, Kent Lightfoot, George Milner and Francis P. McManamon

Managing Archaeological Resources
Global Context, National Programs, Local Actions
Edited by Jodi Barnes, Francis P. McManamon and Andrew Stout

The Antiquities Act
A Century of American Archaeology, Historic Preservation, and Nature Conservation
Edited by Francis P. McManamon, Dwight Pitcaithley and David Harmon

Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary Society
Perspectives on Managing and Presenting the Past
Edited by Francis P. McManamon and Alf Hatton

People of the Tonto Rim
Archaeological Discovery in Prehistoric Arizona

Human Impact on Ancient Environments

The Archaeology of Global Change
The Impact of Humans on Their Environment
Edited by Steven James, Paul Fish, J. Daniel Rogers and Charles Redman

Applied Remote Sensing for Urban Planning, Governance and Sustainability
Edited by William Stefanov, Maik Netzband and Charles Redman