Applied Remote Sensing for Urban Planning, Governance and Sustainability

This evaluation of the potential of remote sensing of urban areas helps to close a gap between the research-focused results offered by the "urban remote sensing" community, and the application of these data and products by the governing bodies of cities and urban regions. The authors present data from six urban regions worldwide. They explain what the important questions are, and how data and scientific skills can help answer them.


Charles Redman is a professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change and the founding director of the School of Sustainability. His interests include human impacts on the environment, sustainable landscapes, rapidly urbanizing regions, urban ecology, environmental education and public outreach.

Praise for this book

This collection of earnest and workmanlike essays had its origins in the 100 Cities Project — formerly the Urban Environmental Monitoring (UEM) Project ― at Arizona State University. … The book is intended to exemplify applications of remote sensing for urban environmental characterization, monitoring and government decision-making. … is aimed mainly at planners whose interest is in the physical environment.

John Miron Geomatica