Department of Psychology

Book cover of Dog is Love by Clive Wynne

Dog is Love

Why and How Your Dog Loves You

Clive D. L. Wynne

book cover of "The Cheating Cell"

The Cheating Cell

How Evolution Helps Us Understand and Treat Cancer

Athena Aktipis

Illustrated by Alex Cagan

Images of children playing sports

The Adulteration of Children's Sports

Waning Health and Wellbeing in the Age of Organized Play

Kristi Erdal

Illustrations of plants with the book title

DBT Skills for Highly Sensitive People

Make Emotional Sensitivity Your Superpower Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Emma Lauer

Cover of "Solving Modern Problems With a Stone-Age Brain"

Solving Modern Problems With a Stone-Age Brain

Human Evolution and the Seven Fundamental Motives

Douglas Kenrick and David Lundberg-Kenrick