The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Cover of Aucassin and Nicolette: A Facing-Page Edition and Translation

Aucassin and Nicolette

A Facing-Page Edition and Translation

Robert Stuart Sturges

Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape book cover image

Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest

Edited by Margaret Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker

Cover of Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Robert Stuart Sturges

Cover of Dialogue and Deviance Male-Male Desire in the Dialogue Genre (Plato to the Middle Ages, Plato to the Enlightenment, Plato to the Postmodern)

Dialogue and Deviance

Male-Male Desire in the Dialogue Genre (Plato to the Middle Ages, Plato to the Enlightenment, Plato to the Postmodern)

Robert Stuart Sturges

Cover of Scrapper


Matt Bell

Decoding Prehistory Ceramics book cover image

Decoding Prehistoric Ceramics

Edited by Ben Nelson

Cover of Mythohistorical Interventions: The Chicano Movement and Its Legacies (Critical American Studies)

Mythohistorical Interventions

The Chicano Movement and Its Legacies (Critical American Studies)

Lee Bebout

Cover of Being Human Between Animals and Technology

Being Human

Between Animals and Technology

Ron Broglio

Edited by Frederick Young

Surface Encounters: Thinking with Animals and Art (Posthumanities)

Surface Encounters

Thinking with Animals and Art (Posthumanities)

Ron Broglio

Cover of Technologies of the Picturesque British Art, Poetry, and Instruments, 1750-1830 (The Bucknell Studies in Eighteenth-century Literature and Culture)

Technologies of the Picturesque

British Art, Poetry, and Instruments, 1750-1830

Ron Broglio