Geographic imagery offers value to fields as diverse as agriculture, archeology, ecology, forestry, geology, geography, oceanography, meteorology, public policy, real estate, security and intelligence, sociology, urban and regional planning, and others.
Aerial photography
Geographic imagery in the form of aerial-flown photographs lend significant value to both historic and contemporary research applications.
3D Explorer
Use the 3D Explorer application to browse our collection of aerial photographs. The Map and Geospatial Hub boasts a collection of approximately 20,000 aerial photos. The bulk of our aerial photo collections cover the entire state of Arizona, with a heavy emphasis on the greater Phoenix metropolitan region. You can use keywords such as "aerial" or "orthophoto" for simple searches, or apply additional filters using the advanced search function. The 3D Explorer will identify and visualize the location of the item(s) you're looking for, and provide item-level details, including options for in-person or digital access (when available).
ADOT Highways
Imagery of highways in Arizona, by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).
Geographic Coverage: AZ ADOT Highways Aerial Photos spatial index
Time Range: 1959-1964
Cartographic Scale: 1:24,000 (primarily)
Availability: Scanned; Physicals in-house use only
USDA Photomosaics
Photomosaics from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Geographic Coverage: See USDA Arizona Photo Mosaic Index (1940-1964) web map index
Time Range: 1940-1964
Cartographic Scale: Primarily 1:20,000
Availability: Scanned; Physicals are in-house use only
Soil Conservation Service
Imagery produced by the Fairchild Aerial Company in collaboration with the Soil Conservation Service.
Geographic Coverage: See AZ Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Aerial Photos index
Time Range: 1935-1937, 1951
Cartographic Scale: 1:62,500 (15’ USGS topographic map grid)
Availability: Scanned; Physicals are in-house use only
USGS Orthophotoquads
Imagery corrected for distortion caused by camera tilt, from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Geographic Coverage: See AZ USGS Orthophotos index
Time Range: 1971-1976
Cartographic Scale: 1:24,000 (7.5’ USGS topographic map grid)
Availability: Not yet scanned; Physicals are in-house use only
Metro Phoenix Fairchild Aerial Photographs
Aerial photographs of central Maricopa County, by Fairchild Aeromaps:
Geographic coverage: See Central Maricopa County Fairchild Aerials index
Year: 1972
Cartographic scale: 1:24,000
Availability: Scanned; Physicals are in-house use only
Navajo Project Aerial Photographs
Imagery of northeastern Arizona from the Navajo Project.
Geographic Coverage: See Navajo Project Aerial Photos index
Time Range: 1936-1951
Cartographic Scale: Varies, 1:20,000 - 1:30,000
Availability: Not yet scanned; Physicals are in-house use only
Federal Single Frame Photos
Imagery acquired by various Federal agencies.
Geographic Coverage: Portions of Arizona
Time Range: 1945-1982
Cartographic Scale: Varies
Availability: Not yet scanned; Physicals are in-house use only
Outside Resources: USGS EarthExplorer

Private Companies
Photo atlases and real estate photo books produced by various private mapping firms.
Geographic Coverage: Greater Phoenix area and Tucson, AZ
Time Range: 1968-2011
Cartographic Scale: Varies
Availability: Not scanned, under copyright; Physicals are in-house use only
Satellite imagery
Coming soon
Geographic imagery derived from satellites are valuable for a wide variety of research applications.
The Map and Geospatial Hub is here to guide you to the appropriate imagery data to suit your research needs. Below are some of the more popular, and free, satellite remote sensing imagery products available.
More information soon.
More information soon.
More information soon.
Planet Labs Inc. has chosen ASU as its first institutional data partner for higher education. Planet's Dove and RapidEye sensors collect imagery at 3-5 meter spatial resolution at daily temporal resolution.
The ASU Planet Incubator Program provides access to an unprecedented level of Planet's daily stream of imagery data. Visit the ASU Planet Incubator Program to register for your Planet Labs account as an ASU affiliate.
More information soon.