
As ASU Library explores strategies and approaches to answering the questions raised by this work, we intend to share our findings in professional publications and venues.


  • Laster, Shari. "Transforming Print in Academic Library Collections." Virtual keynote panel presentation at the 2024 VIVA Collections Forum, Richmond, VA, May 3, 2024.
  • Laster, Shari, Emily Pattni, and Tammy Dang. "An Engaged Future for Open Stack Print Collections." Virtual presentation at the ACRL 2021 Conference, Online, April 2021.
  • McAllister, Lorrie and Shari Laster. "The New Open Stacks." Presentation at the 16th Annual Open Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ, October 30, 2019.
  • McAllister, Lorrie, Curt Asher, Rick Burke, and Michael Levine-Clark. “The Value of Western Regional Trust and Shared Print.” Panel presentation at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, June 23, 2019.
  • Laster, Shari. “The Future of the Academic Library Print Collection.” Presentation at the 2019 Midwinter Print Archive Network (PAN) Forum, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 25, 2019.
  • McAllister, Lorrie and Shari Laster. “The Future of Print at ASU and Beyond.” Presentation at the Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, January 9, 2019.
  • Laster, Shari, Rebecca Lubas, and Bert Zeeman. “Reframing and Representing Library Print Collections on Both Sides of the Atlantic.” Presentation at the 2018 Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SC, November 8, 2018.
  • McAllister, Lorrie and Shari Laster. “The Future of the Academic Library Print Collection.” Presentation at the Shared Collections Interest Group, Reference & User Services Association, American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 23, 2018.
  • O’Donnell, James. “The Future of Print in Open Stacks: A Proposal.” Presentation at the 2017 Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SC, November 8, 2017. Retrieved from

Past workshops

American Library Association (ALA) 2018 Conference

Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) Interest Group: Shared Collections
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Future of the Academic Library Print Collection

As academic libraries reduce the footprint of print collections in public spaces, new design strategies and methodologies for print curation are of increasing interest. With grant support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and in conjunction with the renovation of the university’s largest library, Arizona State University is undertaking a three-year project to design and develop inclusive and engaging print collections. Join us for a conversation about experimenting with data-driven approaches to rethinking “open stacks,” as we explore what these approaches could mean for local, regional, and national shared print collections.

Lorrie A. McAllister, Associate University Librarian for Collections Services and Analysis, Arizona State University Library
Shari Laster, Head, Open Stack Collections, Arizona State University Library

2017 Workshop at Arizona State University

In March 2017, ASU hosted a workshop, inviting constituents from MIT, University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, Cornell University, and ASU, to address questions regarding the continued longevity and utility of print resources in the academic endeavor. ASU Library worked with MIT Libraries to develop case studies, which informed our discussions and provided an opportunity to situate theory in real-world places and spaces. We thought it fitting to collaborate on case studies because both ASU and MIT have a “Hayden Library” that serves as the administrative home and flagship library on each respective campus. The statistics provided to participants at the workshop, therefore, represent the statistics about each Hayden Library and each institution as a whole.

Workshop attendees were asked to read the materials on the list below before the workshop. These are short and incisive pieces that provide some background for this project. Additional suggested readings are included in the attendee packet.

Beyond Measure: Valuing Libraries.” Chris Bourg, May 19, 2013.

Books in the Age of Anxiety.” Katherine Reagan, September 22, 2009.

Due Diligence and Library Print: A Scholar’s Perspective.” James O’Donnell, April 2016.