Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

The Basic Approach to Age-Structured Population Dynamics

Models, Methods and Numerics

M. Iannelli and F.A. Milner

Joan Darc co-translated by Cynthia Hogue

Joan Darc

Nathalie Quintane

Translated by Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue

The book cover for What Algorithms Want, showing a distorted image of a city skyline in black and white.

What Algorithms Want

Imagination in the Age of Computing

Ed Finn

Cover image for "Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds," featuring a black background and orange stylized text.


Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

Mary Shelley

Edited by Jason Scott Robert, Ed Finn and David H. Guston

Cover for the edited volume "Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures," depicting the inside of a futuristic space station.

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities

A Collection of Space Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn

The Rightful Place of Science

The Rightful Place of Science

Future Conflict & Emerging Technologies

Braden R. Allenby