Mapping Species Distribution
Spatial Inference and Prediction
Maps of species’ distributions or habitat suitability are required for many aspects of environmental research, resource management and conservation planning. The proliferation of methods and uncertainty regarding their effectiveness can be daunting to researchers, resource managers and conservation planners alike. Franklin collects the methods used in species distribution modeling, also called niche modeling, and presents a framework for spatial prediction of species distributions based on the attributes — space, time, scale — of the data and questions being asked. The text provides practical guidelines to students, researchers and practitioners in a broad range of environmental sciences including ecology, geography, conservation biology and natural resources management.
Janet Franklin is an adjuct professor in the Schools of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University.
Praise for this book
This is a very useful book that we commend to anyone interested in species distribution models.... This is probably the best book available on species distribution models.