Young adult

book cover that looks torn, depicting woman in ocean

Happily and Madly

Alexis Bass

Cover of One Way or Another by Kara McDowell

One Way or Another

Kara McDowell

Cover of The Frozen Prince by Maxym Martineau

The Frozen Prince

Maxym M. Martineau

Book cover for "Unaware." Has a red background with black silhouettes of four people

Unaware: The Adventures of ViLuma

L.C. Reid

Cover of Eat Your Heart Out by Kelly deVos

Eat Your Heart Out

Kelly deVos

Cover of The Bridge by Bill Konigsberg

The Bridge

Bill Konigsberg

Cover of The Music of What Happens by Bill Konigsberg

The Music of What Happens

Bill Konigsberg

book cover for "Trine Rising" with illustration of jeweled necklace on it

Trine Rising

The Kinderra Saga: Book 1

C.K. Donnelly

Trine Fallacy book 2 cover

Trine Fallacy

The Kinderra Saga: Book 2

C.K. Donnelly

Book cover of two high school students in school uniforms

An Education in Ruin

Alexis Bass