
Joan Darc
Translated by Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue

Gonglijuyi yuga: Juhi e daehan Jinlyang eu Dojeon
Translation into Korean of Professor Hoyt Tillman's book "Utilitarian Confucianism: Chen Liang’s Challenge to Chu Hsi"
Translated by LIM Myung-hee and Kim byoung- hwon

Fortino Sámano (The Overflowing of the Poem)
Translated by Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue

Quo Vadis, Baby?
Translated by Taylor Corse and Juliann Vitullo

Schoenberg's Early Correspondence
Schoenberg in Words, Volume 8
Edited by Sabine Feisst and Ethan Haimo
Translated by Sabine Feisst and Ethan Haimo

Think of Lampedusa
Translated by Todd Fredson

The Necrophiliac
Translated by Don Bapst

Signs That Sing
Hybrid Poetics in Old English Verse

And We Were All Alive
Translated by Catherine Hammond

From Sand Creek
Korean translation
Translated by Seong-Hoon Kim