
Cover of Perspectives of Five Kuwaiti Women in Leadership Roles by Souad T. Ali

Perspectives of Five Kuwaiti Women in Leadership Roles

Feminism, Islam, and Politics

Souad T. Ali

book cover for "Louisian Coushatta Basket Makers"

Louisiana Coushatta Basket Makers

Traditional Knowledge, Resourcefulness, and Artistry as a Means of Survival

Linda P. Langley and Denise E. Bates

Cover of Refugee Education across the Lifespan edited by Doris Warriner

Refugee Education across the Lifespan

Mapping Experiences of Language Learning and Use

Edited by Doris S. Warriner

Cover of The Cambridge Companion to Environmental Humanities co-edited by Jeffrey Cohen

The Cambridge Companion to Environmental Humanities

Edited by Stephanie Foote and Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Cover of Transformations by Kirsti Cole


Change Work Across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices

Edited by Kirsti Cole and Holly Hassel

Cover of The Shakespeare Multiverse co-written by Valerie Fazel

The Shakespeare Multiverse

Fandom as Literary Praxis

Valerie M. Fazel and Louise Geddes

Cover of Customs by Solmaz Sharif



Solmaz Sharif

Cover of "The Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion," co-edited by Bradley Irish

The Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion

Edited by Patrick Colm Hogan, Lalita Pandit Hogan and Bradley J. Irish

Cover of "Third Factors in Language Variation and Change," by Elly van Gelderen

Third Factors in Language Variation and Change

Elly van Gelderen

Cover of "William Shakespeare Complete Works," co-edited by Jonathan Bate.

William Shakespeare Complete Works

Second Edition

William Shakespeare

Edited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen