
Cover of "Faith Under Pressure" featuring a beige background

Faith Under Pressure

A Study of Biblical Leaders in Conflict

Michael S. Moore

Cover of When My Brother Was an Aztec by Natalie Diaz

When My Brother Was an Aztec

Natalie Diaz

Cover of "Romantic Dharma" by Mark Lussier featuring Buddhist imagery

Romantic Dharma

The Emergence of Buddhism into Nineteenth-Century Europe

Mark Lussier

Cover of "Engaged Romanticism" edited by Lussier and Matsunaga featuring a Romantic painting

Engaged Romanticism

Romanticism as Praxis

Edited by Mark Lussier and Bruce Matsunaga

Cover of "The Alphabet of Nature" featuring an illustration of a man looking at a painting of another man

The Alphabet of Nature

Translated by Taylor Corse and Allison P. Coudert

Cover of The Book of Accident by Beckian Fritz Goldberg

The Book of Accident


Beckian Fritz Goldberg

Cover of "The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England" featuring an illustration of men signing a contract and counting money

The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England

David Hawkes

Cover of "Ideology" featuring photos of hands in different colors


The New Critical Idiom

David Hawkes

Valley of the Guns

Valley of the Guns

The Pleasant Valley War and the Trauma of Violence

Cover of This America of Ours

This America of Ours

The Letters of Gabriela Mistral and Victoria Ocampo

Edited by Elizabeth Horan and Doris Meyer

Translated by Elizabeth Horan and Doris Meyer