Environment and sustainability

Building Resilience for Uncertain Water Futures

Patricia Gober

Cover of Prismatic Ecology

Prismatic Ecology

Ecotheory beyond Green

Edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Cover of Inhuman Nature

Inhuman Nature

Edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Cover of Catching the Ebb

Catching the Ebb

Drift-fishing for a Life in Cook Inlet

Bert Bender

Cover of Traditional Ecological Knowledge edited by Nelson and Shilling with fish and animal design

Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Learning from Indigenous Practices for Environmental Sustainability

Simon J. Ortiz and Joan McGregor

Edited by Melissa K. Nelson and Dan Shilling

Cover of "Engaged Romanticism" edited by Lussier and Matsunaga featuring a Romantic painting

Engaged Romanticism

Romanticism as Praxis

Edited by Mark Lussier and Bruce Matsunaga

Cover of "Romantic Dynamics" by Mark Lussier featuring a Romantic diagram

Romantic Dynamics

The Poetics of Physicality

Mark Lussier

Cover of "The Good Rainbow Road" featuring a man shooting a bow and arrow under a rainbow

The Good Rainbow Road

Simon J. Ortiz

Illustrated by Michael Lacapa

Cover of Indigenous Rhetoric and Survival in the Nineteenth Century by Elizabeth Lowry

Indigenous Rhetoric and Survival in the Nineteenth Century

A Yurok Woman Speaks Out

Elizabeth Schleber Lowry

World Fire by Stephen J. Pyne

World Fire

The Culture of Fire on Earth

Stephen J. Pyne