Environment and sustainability

Cover of Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies edited by Salma Monani and Joni Adamson

Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies

Conversations from Earth to Cosmos

Edited by Salma Monani and Joni Adamson

Cover of Humanities for the Environment edited by Joni Adamson and Michael Davis

Humanities for the Environment

Integrating Knowledge, Forging New Constellations of Practice

Edited by Michael Davis and Joni Adamson

Cover of Love in the Anthropocene by Dale Jamieson and Bonnie Nadzam

Love in the Anthropocene

Dale Jamieson and Bonnie Nadzam

Cover of "Arizona Wildlife" featuring vintage photos of the Arizona wilderness

Arizona Wildlife

The Territorial Years | 1863-1912

Edited by David E. Brown

Cover of "Ecology and Conservation of the San Pedro River" featuring photos of a creek and various animals

Ecology and Conservation of the San Pedro River

Edited by Juliet Stromberg and Barbara Tellman

Cover of "Extinction in Our Times" featuring a frog on a leaf

Extinction in Our Times

Global Amphibian Decline

Martha L. Crump and James P. Collins

Cover of "Inland Fishes of the Great Southwest" featuring a photo of a fish

Inland Fishes of the Great Southwest

Chronicle of a Vanishing Biota

W. L. Minckley and Paul C. Marsh

Cover of "Nature in Common?" featuring photos of bears and landscapes

Nature in Common?

Environmental Ethics and the Contested Foundation of Environmental Policy

Ben A. Minteer

Cover of "Organization of Insect Societies" featuring ants and larvae

Organization of Insect Societies

From Genome to Sociocomplexity

Jürgen Gadau

Cover of "A Guide to the Mammals of China" featuring illustrations of tigers, pandas, bats, hedgehogs and more

A Guide to the Mammals of China

Edited by Andrew T. Smith