
Cover of Professionalizing Second Language Writing edited by Paul Kei Matsuda, Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, and Kather Daily O'Meara

Professionalizing Second Language Writing

Edited by Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, Paul Kei Matsuda and Katherine Daily O'Meara

McGraw-Hill Guide cover, with gecko atop tablet, keyboard, pen and paper

The McGraw-Hill Guide

Writing for College, Writing for Life

Gregory R. Glau, Duane Roen and Barry M. Maid

The Golden Rules cover image

The Golden Rules

10 Steps to World-Class Excellence in Your Life and Work

Charles Butler and Bob Bowman

Encounters in the Victorian Press book cover

Encounters in the Victorian Press

Editors, Authors, Readers

Edited by Julie F. Codell and Laurel Brake

Period illustration of forlorn looking woman standing in a courtroom with judge presiding

The Crimes of Womanhood

Defining Femininity in a Court of Law

A. Cheree Carlson

Cover of Channels, Frequencies and Sequences by Michael Brooks Cryer

Channels, Frequencies and Sequences


Michael Brooks Cryer

Cover of Dialoguing across Cultures, Identities, and Learning by Bob Fecho and Jennifer Clifton

Dialoguing across Cultures, Identities, and Learning

Crosscurrents and Complexities in Literacy Classrooms

Jennifer Clifton and Bob Fecho

Cover of Argument as Dialogue across Difference by Jennifer Clifton

Argument as Dialogue Across Difference

Engaging Youth in Public Literacies

Jennifer Clifton

Cover of Grammar to Get Things Done by Darren Crovitz and Michelle D. Devereaux

Grammar to Get Things Done

A Practical Guide for Teachers Anchored in Real-World Usage

Michelle D. Devereaux and Darren Crovitz

Cover of Decisions, Agency, and Advising by Tanita Saenkhum

Decisions, Agency, and Advising

Key Issues in the Placement of Multilingual Writers into First-Year Composition Courses

Tanita Saenkhum