
Cover of "Listen to the Poet" by Wendy Williams featuring a microphone against a blurred crowd

Listen to the Poet

Writing, Performance, and Community in Youth Spoken Word Poetry

Wendy R. Williams

Cover of "A Responsive Rhetorical Art" by Elenore Long featuring a woman speaking

A Responsive Rhetorical Art

Artistic Methods for Contemporary Public Life

Elenore Long

Cover of When My Brother Was an Aztec by Natalie Diaz

When My Brother Was an Aztec

Natalie Diaz

Cover of "Engaged Romanticism" edited by Lussier and Matsunaga featuring a Romantic painting

Engaged Romanticism

Romanticism as Praxis

Edited by Mark Lussier and Bruce Matsunaga

Cover of "Romantic Dynamics" by Mark Lussier featuring a Romantic diagram

Romantic Dynamics

The Poetics of Physicality

Mark Lussier

Cover of "Best New Poets 2017" edited by Natalie Diaz featuring a woman's photograph overlaid on an illustration of a woman

Best New Poets 2017

Edited by Natalie Diaz

Cover of "Feeling upon Arrival" by Saretta Morgan featuring inlaid text and a brown background

Feeling Upon Arrival

Saretta Morgan

Cover of "The Alphabet of Nature" featuring an illustration of a man looking at a painting of another man

The Alphabet of Nature

Translated by Taylor Corse and Allison P. Coudert

Cover of "Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students" featuring a Corinthian column

Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students

Sharon Crowley and Debra Hawhee

Cover of "Critical Situations," featuring a series of painted portraits and American government buildings

Critical Situations

A Rhetoric for Writing in Communities

Sharon Crowley and Michael Stancliff