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Archaeology and anthropology

Recreating Hopewell book cover image

Recreating Hopewell

Edited by Jane Buikstra and Douglas Charles

Bioarchaeology book cover image


The Contextual Analysis of Human Remains

Lane Beck and Jane Buikstra

Forensic Anthropology book cover image

Forensic Anthropology

Contemporary Theory and Practice

Jane Buikstra and Debra Komar

Breathing New Life book cover image

Breathing New Life into the Evidence of Death

Contemporary Approaches to Bioarchaeology

Edited by Jane Buikstra, Aubrey Baadsgaard and Alexis Boutin

Global History book cover image

The Global History of Paleopathology

Pioneers and Prospects

Edited by Jane Buikstra and Charlotte Roberts

Arctic Sustainability Research book cover image

Arctic Sustainability Research

Past, Present and Future

Shauna BurnSilver, Rudolf Riedsperger, Peter Schweitzer, Kathrin Keil, Jessica Graybill, Gail Fondahl, F. Stuart Chapin III, Annika Nilsson and Andrey Petrov

Mathematical Approaches book cover image

Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases

An Introduction

Edited by Sally Blower, Pauline van den Driessche, Denise Kirschner, Carlos Castillo-Chavez and Abdul-Aziz Yakubu

Mathematical and Statistical book cover image

Mathematical and Statistical Approaches to AIDS Epidemiology

Edited by Carlos Castillo-Chavez

Mathematical Models book cover image

Mathematical Models for Communicable Diseases

Fred Brauer and Carlos Castillo-Chavez

Mathematical and Statistical book cover image

Mathematical and Statistical Estimation Approaches in Epidemiology

Edited by Luis Bettencourt, James Hayman, Gerardo Chowell and Carlos Castillo-Chavez