Hoyt Tillman

Gonglijuyi yuga: Juhi e daehan Jinlyang eu Dojeon

Translation into Korean of Professor Hoyt Tillman's book "Utilitarian Confucianism: Chen Liang’s Challenge to Chu Hsi"

Hoyt Tillman and Chen Liang

Translated by LIM Myung-hee and Kim byoung- hwon

Pangguan Zhuzixue (A Bystander's Perspectives on Zhu Xi Studies)

Hoyt Tillman

Zhu Xi’s World of Thought

Expanded and revised edition, in traditional Chinese characters

Hoyt Tillman

Historical and Cultural Explorations: Essays Honoring the 80th Birthday of Professor Ying-shih Yü

Hoyt Tillman

Zhu Xi’s World of Thought

Expanded and revised edition

Hoyt Tillman