Ed Finn

Cover of Italian translation of "What Algorithms Want" by Ed Finn featuring a coding design

Che cosa vogliono gli algoritmi?: L'immaginazione nell'era dei computer

Italian translation of "What Algorithms Want"

Ed Finn

Translated by Daniele A. Gewurz

Cover of "Hieroglyph" featuring a blue background and a drawing of a triangular symbol


Stories and Visions for a Better Future

Kathryn Cramer and Ed Finn

Cover image of Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow

Future Tense Fiction

Stories of Tomorrow

Edited by Torie Bosch, Kirsten Berg, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn and Andrés Martinez

Black background with illustrated white feather

Imagining Transmedia

Edited by Ed Finn, Bob Beard, Joey Eschrich and Ruth Wylie

Illustration of suburban and city landscapes

The Climate Action Almanac

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn