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Coma Dreams

Struggling with inner demons after the loss of his child, Retired Air Force Colonel Brett Stafford is in search of missing pieces in his life when he is involved in a single-car accident and slips into a coma for six months. Using his newfound — and unrefined — ability to heal, Brennen Reynolds attempts to revive the colonel on the day his life support is to be terminated. Brennen is only partially successful, as the person awoken is not Colonel Stafford. This colonel is dangerous. Pressured by time, Brennen and his friends must try to piece together what went wrong and how to reverse the process before further tragedies occur and the colonel loses himself forever.

N. Lawrence Mann follows up on the critically acclaimed suspense novel, “Full Breach,” unleashing the second installment of the Blue Warp series. These paranormal thrillers find their core identity in the “Addiction Fiction” subgenre, with “Coma Dreams” its latest addition. Stunning action, unexpected sci-fi themes, and realistic addiction-based events make for an unusual blend in a book series meant to be a gateway to conversations about addiction, and an apology to those Mann hurt in his past.


N. Lawrence Mann is an Arizona State University alumnus. He graduated in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in film and media from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a minor in business from the W. P. Carey School of Business.

book cover of "Coma Dreams"
Date published
LPS Publishing

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