The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Encyclopedia of the Harlem Literary Renaissance
Memoir of James Jackson
The Attentive and Obedient Scholar, Who Died in Boston, October 31, 1833, Aged Six Years and Eleven Months, By His Teacher
Edited by Lois Brown
Performance and Theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Edited by Mark Cruse
Elizabeth Seton
American Saint
Listen to the Poet
Writing, Performance, and Community in Youth Spoken Word Poetry
A Responsive Rhetorical Art
Artistic Methods for Contemporary Public Life
Che cosa vogliono gli algoritmi?: L'immaginazione nell'era dei computer
Italian translation of "What Algorithms Want"
Translated by Daniele A. Gewurz
When My Brother Was an Aztec
Racialized Politics of Desire in Personal Ads
Edited by Neal A. Lester and Maureen Daly Goggin